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School Bus Service

The School runs a morning and afternoon bus service for students. The bus operates five days a week during the School Term. There are three bus routes: The Vines, Brabham and Midland. This is a set stop service and does not collect students from their homes.

For information on how to book these bus services, please contact the School directly:

Phone: (08) 9297 9506

The Vines Route
Brabham Route
Midland Route

The Vines Route

This bus covers Aveley, Ellenbrook, and The Vines.

Please click the following links for information on The Vines Bus:

Brabham Route

This bus covers Henley Brook, Brabham, and Dayton.

Please click the following links for information on the Midland Bus:

Midland Route

This bus covers Midland, Woodbridge, Guildford and Caversham.

Please click the following links for information on the Midland Bus:

School Bus Services (SBS) Part of Public Transport Authority (PTA)

SBS Currently operates bus services covering Bindoon, Gingin and Shady Hills.

For more information, please contact the SBS:

Phone: 13 62 13

Drop-off and Pick-up

There are two major entry points to the School for parents dropping off their children: the Administration Carpark and the Primary Carpark. Entrances to these carparks are via Swanleigh Parade in Aveley.

The Primary Carpark (Gate 2) is available for the drop off and pick up of students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

The Administration Carpark (Gate 1) is available as the drop off or pick up point for students in Years 7-12. Please note that Bays 1-24 are for staff parking only.

Staff Only Carparks - Gnangara Road (Gate 3) and Egerton Drive (Gate 4).