The focus for Friends of SVACS is “friend-raising”. We are very aware that many of our families are time-poor. Over a very long period of time, SVACS P&FA had great difficulty running community events, due to a lack of volunteers. This became more difficult every year.
As a result, it was decided that Friends of SVACS events would be largely run by the School. This means that all of our families are able to enjoy the events without having to be excessively involved in organisation.
Two major events were held in 2023, a Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea and a Father’s Day Breakfast. In 2024, the following events are being held by Friends of SVACS:
- Mother’s Day Breakfast, Friday 10 May
- Father’s Day Breakfast, Friday 30 August
This year, the School is also holding the following social events for Students:
- Kindy-Year 2 Disco
- Years 3-6 Disco
- Years 7-9 Disco
- Year 10 River Cruise
- Year 11 Spring Fling
- Year 12 Ball
Please note that Friends of SVACS is not a body for sharing parental concerns. The School is committed to open communication with Parents and Carers. If you have any concerns at all about your Children, please contact us directly. We are here to help you in whatever way we can. Effective communication amongst Students, Parents and Staff is essential. We aim to foster an environment of inclusivity in which Parent participation is encouraged. School communities thrive on open communication wherein Staff, Students, and Parents/Carers have opportunities to share good news, discuss issues and maintain an ongoing dialogue.
We are committed to ensuring open, respectful and honest communication with Parents. For major concerns, Parents are asked to make an appointment with the appropriate member of Staff. Where Parents are unsure about who this is, they are encouraged to seek clarification when making the appointment or contact the appropriate member of Executive or Deputy Principal for guidance.
The School encourages Parents to contact their Child’s Classroom or Subject Teacher as a first point of contact. In the Secondary School, issues of an academic nature may then be referred to the relevant Head of Department.
Secondary School Parents are also encouraged to contact their Child’s Pastoral Care Group (PCG) Teacher should the issue be of a pastoral nature (social, emotional, behavioural, psychological). Pastoral issues may then be referred to the relevant Head of Year.
We also encourage Parents to attend informal and formal events, such as Parent Information Afternoons/Evenings, Parent Teacher Afternoons/Evenings, Classroom Open Mornings and Coffee/Chat events, where questions can be answered and/or clarified.